The Readathon is just hours away! Here's my book pile for it:
I think this is quite ambitious, for a 24 hour period, but hopefully I'll be able to get to all of them! :]
My plan is to wake up by 5 AM, since that's when it starts for me, here in LA (let's see if I actually wake up, lol). And then read continuously through they day, with a few breaks in between for, you know, eating and just so I don't go cross-eyed. :P
BTW, I got rid of Disqus. It was just not working properly, with comments showing up only sometimes. So back to regular blogger comments. But that's okay, because blogger let's you reply now! Am I the last one to know that blogger added that? lol
Great books! The Summer My Life Began is a really quick read ... and not a bad book! Have fun. :)