Title: Her Royal Spyness
Subtitle: solves her first case
Author: Rhys Bowen
Genre: "Cozy" Mystery
# of Pages: 324
Summary: It's the 1930's, and Lady Georgiana is 34th in line for the British throne. Although just a minor a royal, she's still expected to act like royalty and be proper, even if she doesn't exactly have the financial means to do so. Her brother has cut her off financially, and so she's run away to London. Though when she gets there, she realizes that maybe she hasn't thoroughly thought out this running away thing. And then a dead body shows up in her bathtub...
Review: The story begins with a lot of back story, introducing characters and creating the setting. This is the first cozy mystery I've read, so I don't really have anything to judge it against. I thought it was well written and an entertaining read. I didn't fully figure out "whodunnit" until near the end, though I did figure it out before Lady Georgiana. But the story line was interesting, and I love that British monarchy is involved. I'm very interested in history, especially of monarchies. And the fact that a little bit was worked in is awesome. It was a nice, easy read to relieve my brain after studying for finals. :)
Rating: ★★★★
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